Tuesday, 14 May 2013

I have relapsed...

  My new years resolution this year was to stay away from the straighteners. Anyone who knows me, understands that I can be a little bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my hair.. I may not be the best at hairstyles yet, and I stick with the same old trustworthy hairstyles everyday.. Normally, this meant for me to bang on the hair straighteners in the morning and straighten my hair as otherwise it can look like a disaster. Yet it was whilst sitting in a test before Christmas that I began to notice more and more split ends. I thought "NO!!!!! THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING, I NEVER GET SPLIT ENDS!!!" S it was then that I made the momentous and brave decision to stop straightening my hair. (At the beginning of the year though, you can't not curl/straighten your hair for the Christmas parties.)
  I'm not going to lie, it was difficult to begin with my hand always seemed to gravitate towards the gorgeous straighteners, but I fought the urges. The withdrawal symptoms set in, more and more I was waking up to face another bad hair day, with no resolution but to just simply brush it. I did panic a lot about the looks I would get, but luckily no one seemed to look. I just had to think of the positives (Well only one) which was I had more time to perfect my make-up.
  It was last week, which was the killing of the resolution, I thought I had conquered my addiction - but alas, I had not. On the Wednesday I woke up to extremely bad hair - I thought "NO!! today is my best day, I must not let my hair ruin it!" So without thinking, the straighteners were whipped out; and oh my goodness it felt good. The smoothness of the metal thingymabobs (my hair vocabulary is not good okay.) running through my hair was too much to handle, and whats more the end result OH MY! It was fantastic. Once more I was addicted, and it is sad news. Today I was twirling it around in my hand during maths, and I let out a (silent) scream - once more I had found a split end. I need to stop this dangerous addiction guys, I NEED tips badly, help!!!!!

Monday, 13 May 2013

The beginning of a month of torture...

Right well by the time I've posted this, I will have finished my first exam! A scary thought. For those of you who are not in year eleven you will have no idea how horrible the lead up to these exams are...
   The teachers telling to revise more, but then giving you homework which MUST be completed, which gives you no time to do revision. You then have the dreaded end of units and mocks which just scare you into revising because you got a U in them. Then you have the general lack of energy as exams begin. The line up before the exam is the worst, you are all trying to cram in your last few words in before silence for an hour and a half... The teachers inspect your uniform, and then you get shouted at to be in silence whilst walking into the exam hall. Then you have the terror of finding your seat. Once seated, you have to resist temptation of looking around - torture if you are sitting at the front.
  The synchronised turning of the page when the head invigilator says "you may be begin" Is the most erlaxing part of the exam, you are there finally, in 1.5 hours this will all be over, and then you look down at the question paper. The horrible feeling when you see something that you only learnt about in fifteen minutes and did not bother revising is all to horrible. The worst part whilst in the exam hall is the invigilators, at school we always have a bet to see which ones we'll get, we have the:
- Golem lookalike who is hilariously small, and if he hears a noise he will stop, and swing his head round - its brilliant.
- The mexican woman, she never smiles at all and her coat always hits your table and makes a noise
- The awful fashion taste one, who has awful fashion sense - the bad perm with grey roots; the trousers pulled up to her armpits; the granny shoes and awful socks. Eurgh, awful.
-The squeaky shoes one - bless her, she's like an old woman and so small and dainty, but ehr shoes are really annoying.
- The posh woman she's just plain annoying and thinks that she is better than everyone else.
and finally...
- We have the simon cowell lookalike - he's erally scary you don't want him asking you anything. His hair is exactly the same as Simon Cowell as well.
  The part which I think that I hate the most is the end of the exam - you know the part when you've finished and you've got no choice but to look at the clock for however long. The time seems just to drag on, and you are looking at the hand moving so slowly... Your waiting for that sigh of relief you have when the inviglator says "times up, close your papers" Knowing you don't have to do anymore and can just stop revision for that subject. although its kind of scary as well. So that's it from me, wish me luck for the rest of my exams - I should probably do some revision for the rest of them


Sunday, 12 May 2013

Les Miserables

   What you don't know about me is that I adore acting, I just love it SO much. So combine my love of acting with my love of Les Miserables and I have a perfect combination! So, when my school announced that our next show would be Les Mis I was jumping up and down in my seat! Now, if you don't understand the beauty that is Les Mis then that's fine. But for me the show is a sign of hope and general amazingness. Play a ten second clip of some of the music I could tell you the song it's from and the next line.
   I wasn't expecting to get a lead, the year thirteens are amazing so they were obviously going to get them. But, I was lucky enough to be part of the ensemble.There was a lot of stress, and I mean a lot, it's going to be stressful trying too put o a show stopper. There were a lot of innovative ideas, about staging etc. One idea regarding the orchestra came from the sound engineer person: due to the lack of space on the stage if we were going to have barricades etc, it meant the orchestra had nowhere to play. The sound engineer suggested that they played in a few classrooms down from the auditorium. This was a big idea, that we were all worried about - what if there was a technical hitch, would we be. Able to see the musical director to cue us in?? However, there were more positives than negatives: we had more room for set as the orchestra weren't taking up room and the sound people could have more control over the pitch of the music. Don't worry though, we had screens at the back to see the MD!
   So after a tense few months and a whole half term of rehearsing; a flashmob and a few dodgy assemblies to publicise the show, we finally put on the performance that everyone in the school is still talking about. Of course we had a few teething problems, like you always do but on the final night it was amazing!!!!! We had standing Os every night, and lots mod tears were shed at the end. What made this production even more amazing was the fact that it was the year thirteen's last show as they are leaving. This meant that obviously we put tons of effort in, as we didn't want their last memories at School to be rubbish!
 I thought I'd show some
  I thought I'd enlighten you with some of the amazing reviews :)
"Amazing, much better than the film!"
"If there was such thing as the school Oscars, this would have won!"
Well yeah, I just thought yo may like to hear about it, apologies for no photos my computer decided to be annoying!


Saturday, 11 May 2013


Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome!
  So I thought that would be a fitting start to my blog, seeing as it is from one of the musicals that is on my list to see! As, you can probably tell, I am new to Blogger, so I thought I would tell you a little about me...
  I am a 15 year old girl (16 in a few months) named Katie who is currently about to start her final GCSE exams - and it has been in a long hard slog! I am obsessed with musical theatre, and I mean obsessed. My friends often joke that I have never heard of people like Eminem and Professor Green (Who are they?? ;)) yet, if you asked me any musical theatre question I could tell you, which is true. ( I do know who Eminem and Professor Green are by the way) My top five musicals at the moment (it changes a lot) are:
1)Les Miserables -which I have loved since I was seven and know all the words to.
2) Wicked-Its just AMAZINg, I saw Rachel Tucker and Louise Dearman in it and I don't think my mouth closed until the end!
3)Matilda the Musical - I saw this and was amazed at the skill of the children, and the music is so catching.
4) RENT - My school did this two years ago and since then I have loved it, although I've never seen a professional version.
5) We Will Rock You - I saw this with my school in year 9 and it was so clever and OMG.
That was impossible to choose as there are so many more that I love! In the future, I wish to go to Broadway and watch a few productions - I don't care what, its the experience mainly, and all productions at that standard are amazing. Glee is another obsession, and I will not miss a week - although I am significantly behind because a certain TV channel which broadcasts Glee decided to start series 4 in january (grrrrr...)
  I love my friends and family, and love to spend time with them, even if its just watching a film. My ambition in life is to become a History teacher, purely because I want others to love History the way I do, and I also want to be more inspiring than any of my History teachers have ever been. I'd love to go to America, either travelling during a gap year, or studying whilst a Uni. I think though that I would just spend allmy money watching broadway shows!!!!I also want to get married and have three children ( two girls and one boy) I've even planned my wedding! So yeah, that is my ultimate goal in life.
  My aim for this blog is not for it to become really popular (although that would be amazing!) but for everyone who reads it to feel inspired to do something. (even if it is just for one minute) I'll admit I'm not in the "cool"crowd at school, and I don't follow the crowd so therefore this may not float everyone's boat, but if it doesn't that's fine, we're all different. I personally see this as a way to get my opinions across. I will be honest though, you may not be seeing lots of posts from me until the 14th June because my exams start on Monday eeeep!!!!!!! I know, this is probably a rubbish time to start a blog but I figure that it may help me to relax, as writing does relax me a LOT! I'll be including a variety of stuff in my blog such as: reviews (of films, music, books etc); a few hauls as I quite like shopping; lifestyle sorta blogs and lots more!!!!!!!! So I hope you enjoy.