Monday, 13 May 2013

The beginning of a month of torture...

Right well by the time I've posted this, I will have finished my first exam! A scary thought. For those of you who are not in year eleven you will have no idea how horrible the lead up to these exams are...
   The teachers telling to revise more, but then giving you homework which MUST be completed, which gives you no time to do revision. You then have the dreaded end of units and mocks which just scare you into revising because you got a U in them. Then you have the general lack of energy as exams begin. The line up before the exam is the worst, you are all trying to cram in your last few words in before silence for an hour and a half... The teachers inspect your uniform, and then you get shouted at to be in silence whilst walking into the exam hall. Then you have the terror of finding your seat. Once seated, you have to resist temptation of looking around - torture if you are sitting at the front.
  The synchronised turning of the page when the head invigilator says "you may be begin" Is the most erlaxing part of the exam, you are there finally, in 1.5 hours this will all be over, and then you look down at the question paper. The horrible feeling when you see something that you only learnt about in fifteen minutes and did not bother revising is all to horrible. The worst part whilst in the exam hall is the invigilators, at school we always have a bet to see which ones we'll get, we have the:
- Golem lookalike who is hilariously small, and if he hears a noise he will stop, and swing his head round - its brilliant.
- The mexican woman, she never smiles at all and her coat always hits your table and makes a noise
- The awful fashion taste one, who has awful fashion sense - the bad perm with grey roots; the trousers pulled up to her armpits; the granny shoes and awful socks. Eurgh, awful.
-The squeaky shoes one - bless her, she's like an old woman and so small and dainty, but ehr shoes are really annoying.
- The posh woman she's just plain annoying and thinks that she is better than everyone else.
and finally...
- We have the simon cowell lookalike - he's erally scary you don't want him asking you anything. His hair is exactly the same as Simon Cowell as well.
  The part which I think that I hate the most is the end of the exam - you know the part when you've finished and you've got no choice but to look at the clock for however long. The time seems just to drag on, and you are looking at the hand moving so slowly... Your waiting for that sigh of relief you have when the inviglator says "times up, close your papers" Knowing you don't have to do anymore and can just stop revision for that subject. although its kind of scary as well. So that's it from me, wish me luck for the rest of my exams - I should probably do some revision for the rest of them



  1. This post actually made me laugh, ahaha! Your descriptions of the invigilators was brilliant. Although you may want to look at your spellings and punctuation (even though I can't spell). ahaha, I'm allowed to say these things though, i'm your sis!

  2. Thanks, I'll take that into account
