Tuesday, 14 May 2013

I have relapsed...

  My new years resolution this year was to stay away from the straighteners. Anyone who knows me, understands that I can be a little bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my hair.. I may not be the best at hairstyles yet, and I stick with the same old trustworthy hairstyles everyday.. Normally, this meant for me to bang on the hair straighteners in the morning and straighten my hair as otherwise it can look like a disaster. Yet it was whilst sitting in a test before Christmas that I began to notice more and more split ends. I thought "NO!!!!! THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING, I NEVER GET SPLIT ENDS!!!" S it was then that I made the momentous and brave decision to stop straightening my hair. (At the beginning of the year though, you can't not curl/straighten your hair for the Christmas parties.)
  I'm not going to lie, it was difficult to begin with my hand always seemed to gravitate towards the gorgeous straighteners, but I fought the urges. The withdrawal symptoms set in, more and more I was waking up to face another bad hair day, with no resolution but to just simply brush it. I did panic a lot about the looks I would get, but luckily no one seemed to look. I just had to think of the positives (Well only one) which was I had more time to perfect my make-up.
  It was last week, which was the killing of the resolution, I thought I had conquered my addiction - but alas, I had not. On the Wednesday I woke up to extremely bad hair - I thought "NO!! today is my best day, I must not let my hair ruin it!" So without thinking, the straighteners were whipped out; and oh my goodness it felt good. The smoothness of the metal thingymabobs (my hair vocabulary is not good okay.) running through my hair was too much to handle, and whats more the end result OH MY! It was fantastic. Once more I was addicted, and it is sad news. Today I was twirling it around in my hand during maths, and I let out a (silent) scream - once more I had found a split end. I need to stop this dangerous addiction guys, I NEED tips badly, help!!!!!

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